MISP-Dashboard, real-time visualization of MISP events

MISP-Dashboard, real-time visualization of MISP events

You are running a MISP instance and you want to visualize the MISP events in real-time?

MISP-Dashboard can do that! An example :

Vimeo video :

In this post I will walk you through how to setup MISP-Dashboard, based on the event data made available via botvrij.eu.


MISP-Dashboard is a new repository showing live data and statistics from the MISP ZMQ. It means you need to have MISP-ZMQ configured.


The MISP ZeroMQ plugin allows real-time integration of the MISP activities (event publication, attribute creation or removal, sighting) via a flexible publish-subscribe model. The configuration and setup is described in the MISP handbook.

In essence you need to enable ZeroMQ in the MISP plugins. Before doing so (if not already done), make sure that there is PHP support for Redis

sudo apt-get install php-redis

and then go to the Diagnostics page. First check that redis is enabled.

Then, on the same Diagnostics page, Start ZeroMQ and verify that it’s working properly via the Status button.

Install MISP-Dashboard

Fetch the latest MISP-Dashboard repository.

git clone https://github.com/MISP/misp-dashboard.git

The repository contains a script to install dependencies but in my setup this did not cover everything. So I had to install these dependencies manually

sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv libzmq5-dev python3-dev python3-zmq

and then install the required dependencies (make sure you are in the directory of misp-dashboard)


MISP-Dashboard also needs Flask (for the dashboard webserver) and redis support for Python.

sudo apt-get install python3-flask python3-redis

Configure MISP-Dashboard

The configuration of MISP-Dashboard can be found in the file config/config.cfg. I kept most of the default settings, except these



Start MISP-Dashboard

You must first activate your virtualenv

. ./DASHENV/bin/activate

and then listen to the MISP feed by starting the zmq_subscribe


The visualization is done via Flesk. By default Flesk will run on localhost. You can either change this or tunnel the port via an SSH connection

ssh -L 8001: misp.myhost.tld

Start the server (also from the virtualenv)

. ./DASHENV/bin/activate

Patch MISP-Dashboard

When I ran zmq_subscribe and published an event to ZeroMQ I got an error

redis.exceptions.ResponseError: unknown command 'GEOADD'

I temporarily patched it by disabling serv_redis_db.geoadd in the function push_to_redis_geo

def push_to_redis_geo(keyCateg, lon, lat, content):
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    today_str = str(now.year)+str(now.month)+str(now.day)
    keyname = "{}:{}".format(keyCateg, today_str)
    #serv_redis_db.geoadd(keyname, lon, lat, content)

Also see https://github.com/MISP/misp-dashboard/issues/1

Publish events to ZMQ

Publishing events to ZMQ is easy. Open the event and in the left menu choose Publish event to ZMQ

10 thoughts on “MISP-Dashboard, real-time visualization of MISP events

  1. Hi,

    Thanks for the write up. I get stuck at the ZMQ server, I get this in diagnostics “ZeroMQ settings….ZeroMQ script not running.”

    • – Have you checked that the workers are running (running, have proper www-data permissions)?
      – Also have a look at the type of error you’re getting in the MISP logs (tmp/Logs)

  2. For some reason i keep getting stuck with the dashboard. Between ZeroMQ script not running and The ZeroMQ server is unreachable. Double checked install, verified the location and still hitting the error. Probably something easy i’m missing but not sure at this point.

  3. kootous on said:

    How did you manage to start the misp-dashboard scripts automatically as using VirtualEnv within crontab fails as cannot pass VirtualEnv commands into bash shell:
    echo ‘source /usr/local/src/misp-dashboard/DASHENV/bin/activate; /usr/local/src/misp-dashboard/DASHENV/bin/python /usr/local/src/misp-dashboard/server.py’ | /bin/bash

    Latest update of misp-dashboard has 3 scripts now to activate:

  4. KOSSI on said:

    Please how can I proceed to have the MAP display on the dashboard. Everything is working fine except the MAP that is not showing

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