Proximedia foefel

Goed artikel van Dieter Provoost over de lege Proximedia-doos.

Google Experiments / Alternatives

Everyone knows the default Google queries, you get your URL’s, keywords and the headline of the pages in the result-query. It doesn’t stop there …

Google has some new features to improve the “search experience”. You can view your results on a timeline, map or in context of other information types. Take a look at Alternate views for search results and prepare yourself to spend a couple of hours of “ohwh”s.

Security Twits

An interesting post by Jennifer Leggio on Security Twits (Security folks using Twitter).

Spam Honeypots

The Project Honeypot allows for everyone who is hosting a website to create a mini honeypot to trap spammers. I’ve configured mine to run at this site at “coast.php”.

It is a “poor-man” honeypot but can still offer useful results. Watch for my future writeups on how to create honeypots with Bind, Apache and Postfix.

mysql error “ERROR 1030: Got error 134 from table handler”

If you try to insert or select data from a table and you get an error message from mysql that says

ERROR 1030: Got error 134 from table handler

then you have repair the table.


FOSDEM, the free and open source developers’european meeting is taking place in Brussels on 23/24 February.

Their schedule is online and shows that there are going to be some interesting talks :

The virtualization track with talks on Xen. Application virtualization with next-generation Klik Unicoding With PHP 6 OWASP WebScarab-NG

log system security events to twitter

An article on the blog of Evan Weaver talks about having you logs forwarded to twitter.

It doesn’t sound like such a good idea because you’re relying on the “privacy” protection mechanism of Twitter. This mechanism is acting as a black box so you could as well not be using any protection mechanism.

The idea itself isn’t that bad, having your critical messages (like process xxx not running)- forwarded to twitter might be more usefulRead more.

Mysql Slice a resultset

Slicing a mysql result is easy with

select from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(timestamp) -unix_timestamp(timestamp) % $slicecount) as slice, count(*) from event group by slice

This will return the mysql statement sliced on the given number of slices.

Networking Monitoring Tools

A list of useful networking monitoring tools. This is not a Top 10 or Top 5 or Top whatever, the usefulness of these applications depends on your environment and what exactly you want to monitor for.

ntop is a network traffic probe that shows the network usage, similar to what the popular top Unix command does. ntop is based on libpcap and it has been written in a portable way in order to virtually runRead more.

Snort 3.0 Architecture Serie

If you care at all about Snort you must read Snort 3.0 Architecture Series by Marty Roesch.