Use ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY with WordPress

Something I came across recently when installing WordPress gave me headaches. Everything seemed to work properly except when selecting posts by category no results were returned.

I debugged the problem by looking at the SQL-queries performed by WordPress. One query returned an error :

Because the MySQL server was configured to honor ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY it gave the error “‘test.wpposts.post_author’ isn’t in GROUP BY”.

I could not disable ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY serverwide so I had to insert it inRead more.

WordPress reset

I finally managed to unlock my access to my WordPress blog. Since the last upgrade I always received the “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page error”

I installed a fresh WordPress (new empty database, new path). Once the setup was done I copied everything from the old database to the new database except for wp_user and wp_usermeta. After logging in as an administrator everything was working as before the error. IRead more.

Snort 3.0 Beta 3 Released

An interesting post by Martin Roesch on the new architecture in the beta release of Snort.

Secure web browsing with the OP web browser

Het “Opus Palladianum” project heeft als bedoeling een nieuwe veilige browser te ontwerpen.

In plaats van één monolitische geheel zal de browser uit kleine zelfstandige subsystemenen bestaan die met elkaar communiceren.

Hebben we dat al niet eens gehoord voor operating-systemen? Dat monolitische systemen niet werken?

Differences of tcpdump linux / openbsd

One of the nicer options of tcpdump under Linux is the -C (that is a capital C). This allows you to write the captured traffic to a file and have the file rotated at a given size. According to the man-pages :

-C Before writing a raw packet to a savefile, check whether the file is currently larger than file_size and, if so, close the current savefile and open a new one. Savefiles after theRead more.


FOSDEM, the free and open source developers’european meeting is taking place in Brussels on 23/24 February.

Their schedule is online and shows that there are going to be some interesting talks :

The virtualization track with talks on Xen. Application virtualization with next-generation Klik Unicoding With PHP 6 OWASP WebScarab-NG

Networking Monitoring Tools

A list of useful networking monitoring tools. This is not a Top 10 or Top 5 or Top whatever, the usefulness of these applications depends on your environment and what exactly you want to monitor for.

ntop is a network traffic probe that shows the network usage, similar to what the popular top Unix command does. ntop is based on libpcap and it has been written in a portable way in order to virtually runRead more.

Install PHP5 on OpenBSD 4.2

PHP needs expat; this is included in the base set xbase42. If you didn’t install it at install-time you can get it with

cd / ftp tar xzvpf xbase42.tgz

Firewalling with OpenBSD’s PF packet filter

A tutorial by Peter Hansteen on PF.