Doing open source intel with recon-ng – part 1

recon-ng is a tool for open source reconnaissance. Reconnaissance is the first phase in a penetration test and it is the act of gathering preliminary data or intelligence on your target.

Recon-ng has a look and feel similar to the Metasploit Framework and provides an easy to use interface to gather open source intelligence.

This is a post on doing open source intel with recon-ng. The post is split in two parts :

theRead more.

Comparing Different Tools for Threat Sharing

I had a guest-posting published at IBM Security Intelligence : Comparing Different Tools for Threat Sharing.

How to use the traffic light protocol – TLP

The TLP or Traffic Light Protocol is a set of designations designed to help sharing of sensitive information. It has been widely adopted in the CSIRT and security community.

The originator of the information labels the information with one of four colours. These colours indicate what further dissemination, if any, can be undertaken by the recipient. Note that the colours only mark the level of dissemination, not the sensitivity level (although they often align).

TheRead more.

Getting started with MISP, Malware Information Sharing Platform & Threat Sharing – part 3

In the two previous posts on MISP

Getting started with MISP – part 1 – Configuration Getting started with MISP – part 2 – Usage

I covered the basic installation, configuration and usage of MISP, Malware Information Sharing Platform & Threat Sharing.

Visit the page from to get a good overview of the possibilities of MISP and a description of a practical use case.

If you need (commercial) support you should visit

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How STIX, TAXII and CybOX Can Help With Standardizing Threat Information

I had a post published on IBM Security Intelligence : How STIX, TAXII and CybOX Can Help With Standardizing Threat Information.

Getting started with MISP, Malware Information Sharing Platform & Threat Sharing – part 2

My first post on MISP described how to get MISP installed and get it up and running. This post describes how you can use MISP to your benefit to share threat information with your community.

The basic features of MISP are described in detail in the documentation at INSTALL/documentation.pdf. I’ll describe the steps needed to create an event and add some useful data.

You can add an event under Event actions, Add event. You’ll haveRead more.

Getting started with MISP, Malware Information Sharing Platform & Threat Sharing – part 1

MISP or Malware Information Sharing Platform & Threat Sharing is an open source tool for sharing malware and threat information with the security community. It is available on Github and is used by a large number of CERTs and security teams.

This first post describes how to get MISP installed and get it up and running. The next post describes how you can use MISP to your benefit to share threat information with yourRead more.