The Elastic stack is a great tool to quickly visualise large volumes of log files. In a previous post I described how to load stored Windows EVTX logs in Security Onion, with the help of Winlogbeat. In this new post I describe something similar with the goal to analyse Linux auditd logs with Elastic. Instead of using the Elastic stack of Security Onion I use an Elastic cluster via Docker and instead of storing the … Read more.
RDP Honeypots
In a recent post the SANS ISC warned of an increase in RDP Scanning. Although the initially reported number was adjusted downward later, there is still an increase in exposed RDP servers. It would be interesting to track the volume of RDP scans, and the credentials used in the scan. Let’s run an RDP honeypot.
One of these RDP honeypots is written by Sylvain Peyrefitte, RDPY. RDPY is more than just a RDP honeypot. It … Read more.
COVID-19 Blocklists
A lot of good initiatives popped up recently to combat malicious activity related to the Corona pandemic.
A MISP instance for tracking COVID-19 activity; A list of domains which provides legitimate COVID-19 services; The Slack channel of COVID19 Cyber Threat Coalition; The COVID-19 CTI League; Public MISP feed by DCSO; And a feed by; Threat reports by RiskIQ; A COVID-19 threat list by domaintools; The COVID-19 domain classifier by SANS; A MISP warning list … Read more.
Sysmon not logging all process creation events (Calculator and other sandboxed apps)
System Monitor or Sysmon is a Windows system service and device driver that provides event data on process creation, network connections and file alterations. It is one of the most powerful tools available for security monitoring and gives detailed insight on what is happening on an endpoint.
Sysmon can be started from the command line, with a specific set of modules and processes to monitor but will in most cases be installed as a service … Read more.
Parse stored Windows Event logs with Security Onion
Security Onion is a free tool to monitor for suspicious activity in network events. I find it very easy to use, especially if you integrate the MISP threat data with the Bro -Zeek- intelligence framework. Besides investigating network events, you can also use it to analyze Windows Event logs, both from a live event stream and for analyzing stored Windows events.
Winlogbeat, part of Elastic, is the shipper that we will use to send the … Read more.
Which Incident Response Investments Are You Prioritizing in 2020?
I published an article on the IBM SecurityIntelligence blog on to Which Incident Response Investments Are You Prioritizing in 2020?
The post describes that improving incident response plans should be the number one priority for future investment, but there are other pressing areas to consider as well. Invest in the Future of Digital Forensics, especially in light of further inclusion of cloud, BYOD and IoT related devices. Get Ready for Changes in Network Monitoring as … Read more.
Use Sysmon DNS data for incident response
Recent versions of Sysmon support the logging of DNS queries. This is done via event ID 22 in Applications and Services Log > Microsoft > Windows > Sysmon Operational.
To enable DNS logging, you need to include the section DnsQuery in your Sysmon configuration file. For example via
Note that enabling DNS queries can be noisy. It’s best to apply filtering as proposed by the SwiftOnSecurity sysmon config file and, additionally, filter out the commonly … Read more.
Improve Your Detection Capabilities With Cyber Simulation Datasets
I published an article on the IBM SecurityIntelligence blog on how to Improve Your Detection Capabilities With Cyber Simulation Datasets
The post describes how you can develop a strategy for testing and improving your existing detection capabilities. It starts with the traditional testing strategies as paper tests and tabletop exercises. The bulk of the article covers cyber simulation datasets, including network based data sets, host based datasets and system and application logs. The final part … Read more.
BelgoMISP Meeting 0x01 : Belgian MISP User Group Meeting
Interested in sharing your MISP usage experiences? How did you integrate MISP in your incident response workflow? Have anything to say about threat sharing in general?
There’s a BelgoMISP Meeting 0x01 for all Belgian MISP users. Submit your proposals via Github or contact us via Twitter.
Measure and Improve the Maturity of Your Incident Response Team
I published an article on the IBM SecurityIntelligence blog on how to Measure and Improve the Maturity of Your Incident Response Team
The post describes how you can create an incident response development plan and which proven frameworks exist to assist you with this. I then provide more details on the NIST and the Global CSIRT Maturity framework. The latter, which is based on SIM3 and the ENISA three-tier approach, is then covered in more … Read more.